Updates 13 Sep 2024

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Updates 13 Sep 2024 Empty Updates 13 Sep 2024

Post by L2Nite 13/9/2024, 11:50 am

# Updates 13 Sep 2024
- Fixed Buffer not displaying html on Bartz.
- Added missing GM Shop & Buffer spawns in Heine. (All servers)

- Added Gold Exchange in the GM Shop on Sieghardt & Kain servers.
Trade 1 billion adena for 1 Gold Einhasad and vice versa to store excess adena.

- Added TOI teleport options in the Ivory Tower Gatekeeper. (All servers)
You can travel directly to Ground Floor, 5th Floor and 10th Floor.

- Added voiced commands .rb and .gb to display Grandboss & Raidboss status and respawn time. (All servers)

- Added auto-potions to Kain. Healing Drug, Mana Drug and Endeavor Potions now can be automated.
Healing Drug & Mana Drug use the functionality from Greater Healing & Mana Potions.
Endeavor Potions uses the functionality of Greater CP Potion.
These potions cant be used during Olympiad Matches.

Posts : 7
Join date : 2024-09-03
Location : Oren


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